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Author: Dan Ellsworth

Dan Ellsworth
Dan Ellsworth is a consultant in Charlottesville, VA, and host of the YouTube channel Latter-day Presentations.
Gospel Fare

Infinite Cats in the Bag: Navigating Faith in the Information Age

It is normal for church members to feel “controversy fatigue” over the steady stream of negative headlines and accusations toward the Church. But this problem is not a new one, and seeing it clearly allows us to transcend it.


Have Progressives Really Won this Contest of Ideas?

A response to Patrick Mason on gender and sexuality, with suggested readings for those unfamiliar with the robust rationale for Biblical marriage provided by Latter-day Saints and many scholars.

Gospel Fare

Disciples, Activists & the Drama Triangle

Ahmad Corbitt’s October 2022 talk to military chaplains challenged not just secular-minded activists, but also a common set of stories sometimes held by believing and sustaining church members.


A Few Questions Before You Try to Change the Church

Some mistakenly assume that ongoing restoration means every aspect of the church is open to future change. Here are a few questions for anyone ready to declare a grand future development (just out of current prophetic view).

Gospel Fare

How the Restoration Can Inform Biblical Scholarship

An encounter with Isaiah can sometimes challenge faith rather than expand it. Bible scholars can sometimes add to the confusion. Dan Ellsworth’s new resource helps people navigate several difficult issues to ensure the text blesses and strengthens us.


The Only True Love of Self

In contrast with self-worship, authentic love of self is grounded in the transcendent love of God and the real understanding of identity His love conveys to us.


Has Politics Become Your New Religion?

Is the kingdom you seek in this world or the next? Here’s a little self-assessment to tell if it’s time to look in the mirror.

Raphael Isaiah Painting | Prophets Can’t Win | Public Square Magazine | Why are Prophets Rejected | Why do Prophets Suffer | Prophets Rejected in Their Hometown | Prophets

Prophets Can’t Win

People tend to seek information that affirms what they already think. But prophets are called to a very different task. And whether prophetic teaching is subtle or direct, the public reception is often sadly predictable.

Red Victorian Painting of Man Looking at his Reflection | Marxism, Satanism & Worship of Self | Public Square Magazine | Karl Marx Satanism | Self Worship
Climate & End Times

Marxism, Satanism, and the Worship of Self

Americans have misunderstood “Satanic” as either ridiculous fear-mongering or a reliable laugh-line—not appreciating what’s at its core: A worship of self or “self as god.”

Gospel Fare

Researching Disaffection: The Neglected Variable of Conversion

It is important to understand the lived experience of our faith, including the reasons why people step away. But real understanding of these experiences is not possible unless we account for the variable of conversion.

Social Justice

Processing the Unthinkable

Some of the charged responses to inexplicable tragedies like this are only understandable. And some are clearly standing in the way of both greater healing and more effective prevention of future violence.

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