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Category: Politics & Law

Group Surrounding Horned Animal in Red Cloak | Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult | What is a Political Cult | Political Cults Examples | Public Square Magazine

Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult

U.S. politics mirror cult dynamics, but counter-intuitively, it may be religion that helps us escape this cult

Historical painting symbolizing America's past struggles with political violence.
Political Atmosphere

Moving toward Zion in an Age of Chaos

How can society address political violence? By seeking common ground, supporting fair policies, and building community bonds, society can foster peace.

The wake of a boat representing the effects of the Tim Ballard allegations

In the Wake of Scandal: Tim Ballard and the Latter-day Saints

When heroes like Tim Ballard face allegations, it shakes public trust and prompts reevaluation of beliefs. The fallibility of influencers, especially within religious communities, reveals the danger of elevating individuals over core principles.

Dali-styled surreal painting of a scale balancing religious and public symbols, indicating the equilibrium aimed by public accommodation laws.

The Future of Anti-Discrimination

Does 303 Creative v. Elenis permit discrimination? The Supreme Court’s ruling navigates a complex intersection of free speech and Public Accommodation Laws, ultimately shielding expressive activities while leaving open important questions of anti-discrimination law for we the people to debate.

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