The Christian Obligation to Support Ukraine
Amidst lots of talk justifying inaction or neutrality in regards to Ukraine, Christians have a much harder time defending such a conclusion if they take their own scriptures seriously.
Amidst lots of talk justifying inaction or neutrality in regards to Ukraine, Christians have a much harder time defending such a conclusion if they take their own scriptures seriously.
Right-wing ideologues critical of the Church of Jesus Christ have again turned their attention to Joseph Smith’s martyrdom. Unsurprisingly, their ideas don’t stand up to historical muster.
Many feminists disagree strongly that the “right to abort” is crucial to women’s well-being. It’s time to listen more carefully to what we have to say.
Social justice has become a point of aching division in America, and even among Latter-day Saints—with different sides claiming Jesus’s message as justifying their own view. Could that same gospel, however, offer some ways to find vital common ground instead?
The Jewish holiday of Purim which is celebrated today, honors Queen Esther, who risked the wrath of her Persian husband-king to save her people. This essay is a tribute to women who have risked much to witness both anciently and in our day.