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Author: Vinny Barborka

Vinny Barborka
V.E. Barborka has worked with hundreds of people struggling with addictive-compulsive patterns over the last decade as a coach and group leader with Fortify. He also supervises online recovery groups for SafeHouse.
A person alone with a computer, highlighting the despair linked to pornography use.
Sexuality & Family

Whose Body Will Save Us from The Pain Inside?

More than simply “maladaptive coping,” using pornography involves, at root, an expression of love and adoration in another human body – trusting it to bring a kind of transcendence and liberation from what hurts in life.

Sexuality & Family

Who Can Turn Away from the Sea of Seduction Around Us?

You can. But don’t be surprised when others are swept away. And try to appreciate the courage of those working hard to turn their hearts towards something better and more beautiful.

Sexual Abuse

Now’s Not the Time to Downplay Sexual Addiction

Even after the killer in Atlanta’s heinous shooting recently spoke of his sexual addiction as a contributing influence. Some have taken this as an opportunity to minimize and even ridicule the idea of such a problem. The millions of men and women grappling with the same deserve better.

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