Americans Once More?
Are some of the most practical and timely solutions to our mounting civic crises awaiting rediscovery in the plain light of the Declaration’s Truths?
Are some of the most practical and timely solutions to our mounting civic crises awaiting rediscovery in the plain light of the Declaration’s Truths?
A group of disagreeing folks that self-governs together? Do be serious. Retelling the glorious founding tale and what makes the United States unique as we anticipate the anniversary of its birth.
Outlining a road map for addressing gun violence. A policy window is open—let’s grab it!
Many Americans continue to be shocked by alarming portrayals of January 6th. But certain possibilities and realities about the day are simply not being heard.
The Committee Hearings on January 6th have been ignored as a political ploy by many Americans, including people of faith. That’s a mistake.
Despite lauding its own exquisite accuracy, there are many profound misrepresentations in the new series, which together paint a damning picture of not simply two deranged individuals, but of an entire faith community.
Although the final draft is uncertain, the leaked Supreme Court majority opinion can be celebrated as a step towards a culture celebrating all life—both the precious unborn and the equally precious mothers who need all of our support.
I heard the news about the likely Supreme Court decision to end Roe the same day I witnessed the ultrasound of our new baby.
As valuable as it can be to stay updated on world affairs, the intimate and incessant witnessing of human heartache in the digital age can be overwhelming and distract from other important things. Don’t be afraid to set some boundaries.
You may have seen Loudoun County, Virginia, in the news for acrimony and fighting. You should also know about some really good things happening behind the scenes.
Amidst lots of talk justifying inaction or neutrality in regards to Ukraine, Christians have a much harder time defending such a conclusion if they take their own scriptures seriously.
If we are advancing God’s desired peace and love for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, let’s not overlook the clear scriptural justification for strong intervention as an expression of that same love and desire for peace