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Tag: covenants

A man walking towards the light with roots extending into the ground from his feet, representing the grounding power of temple ordinances.
Gospel Fare

The Grounding Power of Temples

How does the temple transform us? Ordinances blend mindfulness and physical presence to connect us to the Savior.

Gospel Fare

The Audacity of Temples

Can temples justify their costs? What if those who built temples knew something that outside observers didn’t?

Fire Striking Calf | Why Did God Punish Ancient Israel? | Public Square Magazine | Why Did God Punish the Israelites | Why Did God Punish Israel | Why Did God Punish Jews
Gospel Fare

Why did God Punish Ancient Israel?

It wasn’t just apathy or failure to perform religious ceremonies for which ancient Israel faced God’s judgments. It was also what they failed to do for each other.

Gospel Fare

Are You Feeling Peace or Just Relief?

So many stepping away from families, marriages, and faith attest to poignant emotional validation for their life-changing decisions. What exactly is this emotion they are feeling?

Gospel Fare

God’s Staggering Faithfulness to Us

Ancient accounts of the covenant are (mis)taken by modern eyes to be legalistic and punitive—rather than the grace-filled entreaty of a God to His beloved people.

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