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Tag: Culture

Pop Culture

“A Million Miles Away” Challenges Cinematic Psychology

As therapy culture rises in American cinema, “A Million Miles Away” emerges, challenging the status quo. Director Abella portrays José Hernández, emphasizing community and resilience over pop psychology.

Gospel Fare

Is Our Exercise of Agency Always Intentional?

When we equate agency with being merely choice, we miss out on how human agency manifests in rich ways that are not always conscious and deliberately chosen.

Gospel Fare

The Urgent Need to Console the Wounded

Given the tsunami of afflictions being endured, I believe we can emphasize the centrality of consoling the wounded in our Christian ministry without neglecting the reality of sin and the need for repentance.


Worshipping God by Making

A Review of Makoto Fujimura’s Art and Faith: A Theology of Making

American Families of Faith

The Inner Logic of Religion(s)

Can a religion be adequately understood by referencing simply its psychological or sociological manifestations? Not according to religious people, it can’t.


Yes, We Really Do Need to Talk About Race

It’s not just folks on the political left who we’d love to go deeper in exploring meaningful questions. These are some of our questions for brothers and sisters on the political right as well.

Sexual Abuse

Now’s Not the Time to Downplay Sexual Addiction

Even after the killer in Atlanta’s heinous shooting recently spoke of his sexual addiction as a contributing influence. Some have taken this as an opportunity to minimize and even ridicule the idea of such a problem. The millions of men and women grappling with the same deserve better.

Couple with Popcorn Watching a Movie Together | Are Mature Adult Movies Really Just Crass? | Public Square Magazine | What Does For Mature Audiences Only Really Mean?
Media & Education

WandaVision, Relativism, and the “New Orthodoxy”

Much has been said in recent years about how we are each creating our own little bubbles of reality. Is WandaVision responding and speaking to this cultural trend?

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