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Tag: Feminism

Hannah Neeleman balancing media attention and farm life.
Family Matters

In Defense of the Trad Wife Influencer

A social media influencer finds fulfillment the way most women choose to. One journalist can’t let that stand.

A mother engages in educational activities with her children, highlighting the role of education in motherhood viability.
Family Matters

Women Who Dare to Mother

Is traditional motherhood viable today? Mothers of large families show it’s rewarding and sustainable.

The Accolade Artwork | In Defense of Men | Public Square Magazine | Man-Hating Society | Society Hates Men | Men Dont Matter | Defending Men | Tyrannical Patriarchy

In Defense of Men

Too often, “men” generally are seen as the source of all that is wrong with the world. Should it surprise us, then, to see boys struggling in a man-hating society?

Jules David Vice And Virtue Misery Painting | When Women Perpetrate Domestic Violence | Public Square Magazine | Female Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
Family Matters

When Women Perpetrate Domestic Violence

Most discussions of domestic violence take for granted this is primarily a male-on-female issue—reflective of the larger feminist narrative dominant today. Far less attention has gone to the evidence suggesting female violence is a much greater problem than has been acknowledged.

Family Matters

The Witness of Women

The Jewish holiday of Purim which is celebrated today, honors Queen Esther, who risked the wrath of her Persian husband-king to save her people. This essay is a tribute to women who have risked much to witness both anciently and in our day.

Family Matters

Why Faith Matters for the Long Game

Burnout can limit the effectiveness of many noble efforts and worthy social causes today. The deeper solution to such exhaustion may come from combining the empowerment of activism with the renewing energy of faith.

Family Matters

So, Are You For Women . . . Or Not?

When we reduce complex conversations to simple for-or-against-us battles, we perpetuate the conditions that make creative and peaceful resolutions unlikely.

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