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Tag: Leadership

Pope Francis with a crowd, symbolizing the goals of the Pope Francis Synod

Synod of the Times

Do Pope Francis’ reforms imperil Catholic teaching or update its delivery? This examination suggests various interpretations, underscoring tensions between flexibility and tradition that a synod may highlight but only a pontiff can resolve.

A religious conversation symbolizing differing perspectives on church hierarchy

What Latter-day Saints Can Learn from the Catholic Synod

The Catholic Synod serves as a case study on hierarchical versus distributed authority. Latter-day Saints face similar debates, observing how inclusion and transparency can either strengthen or compromise a religious institution.

The wake of a boat representing the effects of the Tim Ballard allegations

In the Wake of Scandal: Tim Ballard and the Latter-day Saints

When heroes like Tim Ballard face allegations, it shakes public trust and prompts reevaluation of beliefs. The fallibility of influencers, especially within religious communities, reveals the danger of elevating individuals over core principles.

MLK Jr. Graphic w/ Colored Music Notes | MLK’s I Have a Dream | Public Square Magazine | Martin Luther King Speech Analysis | I Have a Dream Analysis | I Have a Dream Speech Analysis
Racial Healing

The Symphony of Protest: MLK’s I Have a Dream

How did Dr. King’s nonviolent approach shape America’s racial discourse? Through scripture and history, King’s “Dream” speech masterfully balanced moral integrity with a call for change.

Workers harvesting wheat, an allegory for 'Should I Serve a Mission?'
Gospel Fare

Implications of Latter-day Saint Missions for Young Women

When Latter-day Saint women ask, ‘Should I serve a mission?’ they’re looking at a transformative journey. Mission service refines their personal growth, broadens academic horizons, and cultivates professional skills.


Unity Under Siege

When you reflect on some of the basic underpinnings of unity, it’s alarming to see how effectively these foundations are being undermined all around us today.


Pursuing Progress Patiently: The Lessons of Sport

Within a community of people aspiring to follow One who entreats “Be Thou Perfect,” perhaps it’s unsurprising that our efforts can become painfully perfectionistic at times. Alongside the welcome appeals to step away from toxic attitudes about perfection, is there something sports can teach us about that too?

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