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Tag: Sexual assault

Climate & End Times

Narrating Violence: Stories We Tell (and Don’t Tell)

While violence, such as that this weekend, is certainly senseless, we must try our best to explain it so that we can take a holistic approach to reducing violence and build durable peace.


How Therapists are Failing the Faithful

Natasha Helfer is not in trouble with the Church because the Church is trying to tell her how to do her job. She’s in trouble with the Church because she’s trying to tell it how to do its job.

Sexual Abuse

Now’s Not the Time to Downplay Sexual Addiction

Even after the killer in Atlanta’s heinous shooting recently spoke of his sexual addiction as a contributing influence. Some have taken this as an opportunity to minimize and even ridicule the idea of such a problem. The millions of men and women grappling with the same deserve better.

Election Aftermath

It’s Time To Move On

Our political bubbles prime us to see the other side as hypocrites. That doesn’t make it true.

Politics & Law

An Agonizing Choice for Lovers of Liberalism

This election is an agonizing choice for those who value liberalism. President Trump is personally illiberal in his tendencies but his administration has largely been committed to procedural protections and the rule of law. A Biden administration presents the exact mirror image. Either way, liberalism loses.

consent sexual morality
Family Matters

Consent is Good, But Not Enough

The central focus today on consent is not enough. Without seeing individuals as something more than an object of sexual gratification, people will continue to be hurt and misused.

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