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Tag: Society

Group Surrounding Horned Animal in Red Cloak | Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult | What is a Political Cult | Political Cults Examples | Public Square Magazine

Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult

U.S. politics mirror cult dynamics, but counter-intuitively, it may be religion that helps us escape this cult

Graphic of a Fat Cat Laying in the Grass | Living In a World of Declawed Souls | Public Square Magazine | How to Avoid Mediocrity | How to Stop Being Mediocre
Mental Health

Living In a World of Declawed Souls

Does modern life suffer from a widespread lack of passion and wonder? And if so, what can we do about it?

A bridled horse pulls against its restraints representing empathy in modern culture
Gospel Fare

Bridle Your Empathy So That You Can Truly Love

Modern culture elevates empathy, but at what cost? A deep dive reveals its selective nature, its misuse in politics, and the danger of uncritical adoration. Rather, true virtue lies in charity.

The wake of a boat representing the effects of the Tim Ballard allegations

In the Wake of Scandal: Tim Ballard and the Latter-day Saints

When heroes like Tim Ballard face allegations, it shakes public trust and prompts reevaluation of beliefs. The fallibility of influencers, especially within religious communities, reveals the danger of elevating individuals over core principles.

Pop Culture

“A Million Miles Away” Challenges Cinematic Psychology

As therapy culture rises in American cinema, “A Million Miles Away” emerges, challenging the status quo. Director Abella portrays José Hernández, emphasizing community and resilience over pop psychology.

A dramatic seascape with a vulnerable chapel facing nature's fury, depicting the themes of the seeker-sensitive church in a tumultuous world.
Climate & End Times

Christianity Lite: The Seeker-Sensitive Church

Is seeker sensitivity in churches a solution or a trap? There is a paradox that increasingly inclusive doctrines lead to both orthodox and progressive departures. There is an honest Latter-day Saint approach.

MLK Jr. Graphic w/ Colored Music Notes | MLK’s I Have a Dream | Public Square Magazine | Martin Luther King Speech Analysis | I Have a Dream Analysis | I Have a Dream Speech Analysis
Racial Healing

The Symphony of Protest: MLK’s I Have a Dream

How did Dr. King’s nonviolent approach shape America’s racial discourse? Through scripture and history, King’s “Dream” speech masterfully balanced moral integrity with a call for change.

The Accolade Artwork | In Defense of Men | Public Square Magazine | Man-Hating Society | Society Hates Men | Men Dont Matter | Defending Men | Tyrannical Patriarchy

In Defense of Men

Too often, “men” generally are seen as the source of all that is wrong with the world. Should it surprise us, then, to see boys struggling in a man-hating society?

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