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Author: Jacob Z. Hess

Jacob Z. Hess
Jacob Hess is a contributing editor at Deseret News and publishes longer-form pieces at He co-authored "You're Not as Crazy as I Thought, But You're Still Wrong" and “The Power of Stillness: Mindful Living for Latter-day Saints.” He has a Ph.D. in clinical-community psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Jacob is a staff writer and Latter-day Saint Voices editor at Deseret News.
Black & White Portrait of Rachel Mcdermott | Patterns in Stories of Lasting Healing from Depression | Recovery from Depression Stories | Depression Stories of Hope | Public Square Magazine
Mental Health

Patterns in Stories of Lasting Healing from Depression 

What can we learn from people who find deeper and more lasting healing from depression? A whole lot, it turns out. Introducing an in-depth examination of themes across stories of sustainable healing from depression.

Climate & End Times

Culture War Comes to Church

With a cultural war raging around us, perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us to see it leaking now and then into our congregations and classes. But that doesn’t make it any easier to know how to respond.

Mental Health

When the Adderall Runs Out

Some emergency preparation suggestions if access to psychiatric medication becomes limited or unavailable.

Climate & End Times

De-Nazifying The Church

Plenty of horrifying things in history have been justified as accomplishing “great good.” That’s true of the atrocities in Ukraine. And it’s also true of those tearing apart the faith of believers young and old.

Girl with Her Head in her Knees | What is Frapping in Cyberbullying? | The Effects of Being Cyberbullied
Social Media

What It’s Like to Be Cyberbullied

I was shocked after reviewing research on cyberbullying and then witnessing others go through it. But it wasn’t until I experienced it myself that I appreciated what it does to you.

A person alone with a computer, highlighting the despair linked to pornography use.
Sexuality & Family

Whose Body Will Save Us from The Pain Inside?

More than simply “maladaptive coping,” using pornography involves, at root, an expression of love and adoration in another human body – trusting it to bring a kind of transcendence and liberation from what hurts in life.

Sexuality & Family

Who Can Turn Away from the Sea of Seduction Around Us?

You can. But don’t be surprised when others are swept away. And try to appreciate the courage of those working hard to turn their hearts towards something better and more beautiful.

Mental Health

Imagining a Mental Health System Centered on Learning & Growth

Growing and making changes can bring joy to life—as does finding deeper relationships. Can all this decrease emotional suffering too? What could it mean for our mental health if this became more central to our healing efforts?

Mental Health

Does Your Depression Keep Getting Worse? This Might Be Why

The FDA approved antidepressants as helpful short-term support based on studies spanning a few months. In making longer-term decisions, it’s crucial to pay more attention to what we know from longer-term research studies.

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