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Formula Shortage Hits White House + Today’s Digest

Our daily rundown of the articles from around the web that we feel our readers would enjoy and appreciate. We hope to highlight the best of what’s around.

Public Square Bulletin recommends:

Under Pressure to Act White House Says It Will Address Formula Shortage

Annie Karnie—New York Times

Last week I highlighted a distressing news story about a baby formula shortage. The Biden administration has recently spoken about the issue and has promised to find ways to address the concern.

Factsheet: Overview of Refugees Fleeing Religious Persecution Globally

United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

USCIRF has released a report on what it calls an “unprecedented” global refugee crisis. Latter-day Saints who have been asked to help support in this area can benefit from the report’s bird-eye view of the situation.

‘If someone asked you why the priesthood restoration was so significant, what would you say?’ Joseph Smith Papers historian answers

Morgan Jones—LDS Living

Spencer McBride, historian for the Church focusing on Joseph Smith, sits down with Morgan Jones to discuss the restoration. His insights help put us in the mind of Joseph Smith and better understand his life and ministry.

Deconstructing? There’s a coach for that.

Ericka Andersen—Religion News Services

A trend to keep an eye on, Religion News Services reports on an increasingly likely decision of believers to not merely leave their faith but to use the help of life coaches to try and deconstruct their beliefs so they can find a way to still identify with their faith tradition while rejecting its beliefs.

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A New Kind of LGBT+ Advocacy?

In the wake of Elder Holland’s BYU talk, I can’t help but wonder—what would LGBT+ Advocacy “bathed in the light of the gospel” look like?

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