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Category: Dialogue


What Contention Takes From Us

The devil has been using contention to harden hearts and blind minds since long before social media. Then, and now, it’s a great way to stop the most important conversations from happening.


Competing Views of “Inclusivity”

One sense of this popular term was used to call for the cancellation of Sister Wendy Nelson’s speech last week. Another sense of the same word was used to defend its occurrence.


The Doctrine of Christ is Not Racist

Like the accusations against its history, some have insisted the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ has racism “embedded” within it. Are those making this claim aware of what the Church actually teaches? 


How Jesus Can Cure Our Hatred

There’s more than enough animosity and division going around today, with plenty of people proposing “the answer.” What if Jesus taught the true solution all along?

Close Up of U.S. Capital | 5 Ways to Explain Away Black Conservatives | Congress Advisors | List of Black Conservatives Commentators | Famous Black Conservatives | Public Square Magazine

Five Ways to Explain Away Black Conservatives

As black conservatives have become more vocal and popular, efforts to dismiss them have also increased. If we’re serious about diversity and inclusion we need to hear from all black voices, including those on the right.


Three Public Takes on the BYU Racial Equity Report

A long report on racial equity was released by a BYU committee last week, eliciting widely disparate public responses. We summarize three competing interpretations being taken up here.

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