When Authority Wears a Skirt
What defines the authority of Latter-day Saint women? A blend of temple covenants and leadership roles, affirming their sacred power.”
What defines the authority of Latter-day Saint women? A blend of temple covenants and leadership roles, affirming their sacred power.”
Stepping away from a community of faith hurts in both directions. Could a deeper recognition of that pain help draw our hearts together again?
Right-wing ideologues critical of the Church of Jesus Christ have again turned their attention to Joseph Smith’s martyrdom. Unsurprisingly, their ideas don’t stand up to historical muster.
When someone is harming others’ faith, is it “spiritual violence” to excommunicate them? Or not to?
The battle with sin is our shared inheritance. Nobody is immune to a fall from grace. We must pray that our Father “suffer us not to be led into temptation” and then live to make that a reality.
In this tumultuous year for America, with so much confusion and fear, is it time to consider what “watchmen on the tower” have to say?
Increasingly, older and senior members of our communities are seen as backward and not worth considering. That’s a mistake. General Conference will provide an opportunity to listen to the hard-earned wisdom of age that we should seek for.
An Australian state adopts a law requiring Catholic priests to break the seal of confession in certain situations, part of a troublesome trend that is also emerging in the United States.
Within a community of people aspiring to follow One who entreats “Be Thou Perfect,” perhaps it’s unsurprising that our efforts can become painfully perfectionistic at times. Alongside the welcome appeals to step away from toxic attitudes about perfection, is there something sports can teach us about that too?
It’s nice to be able to say we trust “only what our own logic or reasoning” tell us. That can feel satisfying. But what happens when a legitimate threat exists outside the boundaries of our own logic and reasoning? Could this be a good time to trust something more than just that?
Monroe McKay, a Latter-day Saint judge for the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, passed away leaving a legacy of humility, hard work, and generosity of spirit.
Many across different belief systems have conceptions of a more enlightened society to come. For Latter-day Saints, that “Zion” on the horizon centers on an imperative of inspired, righteous leadership – both then and now.