The Vanishing City of Zion: Poverty’s Resurgence in America
The increase in poverty in the United States in Spring 2023 should be of concern to people of faith. The first step is to understand why this increase has happened.
The increase in poverty in the United States in Spring 2023 should be of concern to people of faith. The first step is to understand why this increase has happened.
Legalizing recreational marijuana poses significant risks to public health and safety, outweighing any potential benefits. It should remain illegal.
From the life of Christ, we can learn the role of privacy in maintaining our autonomy and dignity and how it relates to our spiritual and moral values.
Evan McMullin is committed to the ideals that founded our American republic—and embodies both an independence and bipartisan cooperation our country dearly needs. He’s also unwilling to excuse, rationalize or justify the real threats to democracy our former president represents.
Senator Lee is guided by constitutional principles and a pragmatic approach to national issues and former President Trump. I trust his character and know that he sees the real threats from the radical left.
Is this really the greatest threat to American democracy, or is something else going on?
More and more people are disparaging America’s founding documents as a barrier to progress. This weekend’s Constitution
Day is a good time to remind ourselves what they’re missing and the higher wisdom that inspired it all.
Responses to key questions regarding the Associated Press report alleging attempts to cover up sexual abuse cases in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
A hallmark of polarized America is an eagerness to hear anything confirming our biases and total rejection of those things that don’t. If that’s what you’re doing with the January 6th hearings, you’re missing something important.
Far from violating basic constitutional freedoms, the recent abortion ruling at the U.S Supreme Court powerfully reinstituted crucial and inspired principles designed for the protection of “all flesh.”
Is the kingdom you seek in this world or the next? Here’s a little self-assessment to tell if it’s time to look in the mirror.
The Supreme Court’s decision did not establish religion or violate the religious freedom rights of pro-choice Americans. Instead, it created space in the public square for the pro-life convictions of people of faith.