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Category: Sexual Abuse

Fire Inside Rustic Broken Heart | Recovering from the Relational Health Crisis of Pornography | Public Square Magazine | Misogyny Porn | Empathy Training
Sexual Abuse

Recovering from the Relational Health Crisis of Pornography

Pornography is toxic to relational and sexual health. Recovering from the relational health crisis of pornography involves forsaking pornography and its toxic scripts, regaining and deepening our intimate empathy, and learning and committing to safely hold one another.

'The Good Shepherd' shows Christ protecting a lamb, symbolizing the need to reduce abuse in churches for safeguarding the innocent.
Sexual Abuse

I Know How to Lower Church Abuse Rates by 75%

What causes lower abuse rates among Latter-day Saints? Geographic organization, focus on family, and female involvement create a safer environment.

Woman Recording Laptop Screen with her Phone | Money Shot: A Free Pass Given to an Ugly Industry | Public Square Magazine | Netflix Nudity | PornHub Documentary
Sexual Abuse

Money Shot: A Free Pass Given to an Ugly Industry

Netflix’s Money Shot: The PornHub Story delves into the world’s most popular porn site. But is it truly a balanced view, or does it ignore the voices of those most harmed by pornography?

Sexual Abuse

Abuse is Something We Should Be Able to Fight Together

Few issues hold as much universal importance as child abuse. What does it mean when we’re not only unable to come together to confront this, but also seem increasingly eager to insist that others care less about fighting this than we do?

Sexual Abuse

Better Protecting Children of All Faiths

As we mourn with our Baptist friends, let’s take this chance to reassess our own efforts— considering ways children across faith communities might be better protected.

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