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Tag: Catholic

A family home stands resilient under a dark cloud, symbolizing hope amidst adversity.
American Families of Faith

The Growing Famine of Hope

How does hope influence resilience? Studies show faith-based practices foster optimism and unity.

Pope Francis with a crowd, symbolizing the goals of the Pope Francis Synod

Synod of the Times

Do Pope Francis’ reforms imperil Catholic teaching or update its delivery? This examination suggests various interpretations, underscoring tensions between flexibility and tradition that a synod may highlight but only a pontiff can resolve.

A religious conversation symbolizing differing perspectives on church hierarchy

What Latter-day Saints Can Learn from the Catholic Synod

The Catholic Synod serves as a case study on hierarchical versus distributed authority. Latter-day Saints face similar debates, observing how inclusion and transparency can either strengthen or compromise a religious institution.

A woman helps with laundry showing service in balance with self-care and religion.
American Families of Faith

When Loving Yourself Meets Loving Your Neighbor

How do individuals balance self-care with acts of sacrifice, especially when their actions are influenced by their faith? Interviews reveal four key factors.


From Just War to Catholic Pacifism

Over the centuries, the Catholic Church had evolved from non-violence to a “just war” doctrine. Dorothy Day responded with a new pacifist theology.

Gospel Fare

From Ashes to Resurrection: A Lenten Primer

Learn about how Latter-day Saints can understand the Lent season. Explore the fasting, prayer, and almsgiving that help Catholics draw closer to God.

Mass in a Connemara Cabin Art | Attending Religious Services of Other Faiths | Public Square Magazine | I Attend Religious Services of Other Faiths
American Families of Faith

Attending Religious Services of Other Faiths

Faiths across the world observe sacred moments. Watching and participating with them not only helps us love one another more but can deepen our own faith.

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