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Tag: Hope


Tolerating the Unprecedented

It’s more than mere disagreement we must tolerate. Tolerance means bearing the suffering of others and taking our own uncomfortable turn in history to face uncertainty and challenge.


AstraZeneca and Pfizer Will Save Us

After years of studying contrasting health narratives and their correspondence with actual scientific data, I can’t help but say, be wary of the medical salvation story. It’s usually too good to be true.


Injustice, Outrage, and the Problem of Atheodicy

However challenging it has been to make sense of evil as believers, try doing that without God in the picture. As many conclude there is no ultimate purpose or justification in evil, there is likewise no sense of ultimate redemption from it either. How could you not then feel despair and outrage?

Climate & End Times

Apocalyptic, and Not Ashamed to Say It

What those who scorn believers in Christ’s return don’t understand is how much hope these beliefs bring—far more than any fear for what is surely coming.


Learning in a Time of Plague

During a pandemic, it’s tempting to think that it is somehow misguided to be focusing on education. C.S. Lewis boldly and beautifully suggests otherwise.

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