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Tag: Individualism

Group Surrounding Horned Animal in Red Cloak | Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult | What is a Political Cult | Political Cults Examples | Public Square Magazine

Follow the Prophet Out of Your Cult

U.S. politics mirror cult dynamics, but counter-intuitively, it may be religion that helps us escape this cult

Stop being mediocre like the declawed cat in this painting
Mental Health

Living In a World of Declawed Souls

Does modern life suffer from a widespread lack of passion and wonder? And if so, what can we do about it?

Narcissus admires himself in a church window, representing spirituality and narcissism in contemporary society
Gospel Fare

How Narcissism is Fueling a Modern Gnostic Movement

Contemporary culture is fostering narcissism which is increasingly finding expression in new gnosticism, resulting in a self-perpetuating cycle that can lead to pathological outcomes.

A bridled horse pulls against its restraints representing empathy in modern culture
Gospel Fare

Bridle Your Empathy So That You Can Truly Love

Modern culture elevates empathy, but at what cost? A deep dive reveals its selective nature, its misuse in politics, and the danger of uncritical adoration. Rather, true virtue lies in charity.

Caspar David Friedrich Painting of Wanderer above the Sea of Fog | Expressive Individualism and the Restored Gospel | Public Square Magazine | Expressive Individualism
Gospel Fare

Expressive Individualism and the Restored Gospel

The story we tell about the world as a whole (“worldview”) influences everything—including basic notions like truth, identity, belonging, and love. That’s true whether or not we’re aware of it, so let’s pay closer attention.

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