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Tag: Latter-day Saints

Gospel Fare

A Deeper Look Into the Power of Latter-day Saint Temples

Why do others see Latter-day Saints as so good? Delve into the power of the law of the gospel and how this covenant shapes the lives of Church members and helps them become more like Jesus Christ.

Ivan Kramskoi's "Christ in the Wilderness" underlines the solitude, temptation, and moral dilemmas mirrored in the Latter-day Saints' discourse on the Ukraine War.
Gospel Fare

Rethinking Righteousness in the Shadow of War

What does the Ukraine War mean in Latter-day Saint Christian ethics? Latter-day Saints view all violence, even justified self-defense, as an aberration from divine love and affection, underscoring the call for universal repentance and reconciliation.

Podcasts for July from our Podcast Family!

Welcome to July’s lineup of Public Square Media episodes.  The engaging perspectives of Scott and JC of Family Bro Evening, shed light on American politics

Woman in Crowd Letting Go of Dove | How Reimagining Social Justice Could Ease the Culture War | Public Square Magazine | Religion and Social Justice | Faith and Social Justice
Social Justice

How Reimagining Social Justice Could Ease the Culture War

Given such a strong divergence in views over social justice, how could we not fall into the larger culture wars? Because God expects something better from us. A parting aspiration for a peacemaking pathway forward.

'The Good Shepherd' shows Christ protecting a lamb, symbolizing the need to reduce abuse in churches for safeguarding the innocent.
Sexual Abuse

I Know How to Lower Church Abuse Rates by 75%

What causes lower abuse rates among Latter-day Saints? Geographic organization, focus on family, and female involvement create a safer environment.


Beyond the Rainbow: Supporting LGBT+ Saints Faithfully

How do the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ help members compassionately support LGBT+ Saints, address pride events, and offer guidance for meaningful dialogue and understanding?

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