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Tag: Law

Dali-styled surreal painting of a scale balancing religious and public symbols, indicating the equilibrium aimed by public accommodation laws.

The Future of Anti-Discrimination

Does 303 Creative v. Elenis permit discrimination? The Supreme Court’s ruling navigates a complex intersection of free speech and Public Accommodation Laws, ultimately shielding expressive activities while leaving open important questions of anti-discrimination law for we the people to debate.

Ben Pacini on the New Texas Abortion Law
Radical Civility

New Texas Abortion Law

I sit down with several friends to discuss Texas’s recent abortion law. We break down common stances, how to maintain a civil dialogue, and the details of the new legislation.


Social Justice and Christmas

As increasing attention is paid to the fight against injustice, there seems to be far less interest in the quality of life that justice is ushering people towards – and its meaning and positive purpose. On those questions, Christmas lays before us some precious answers worth celebrating.

Family Matters

Abortion, the Courts, and Compromise

When we stop depending on legislatures as the place Americans can hash out their disagreements, it should perhaps not surprise us when court mandates don’t effectively fill the gap.

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