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Sexuality & Family

A Love Note to Diamond Marriages and Sapphire Singles

Contrary to dismissive public rhetoric, more and more couples are thriving in what the world calls “mixed-orientation marriages.” Yet anyone considering it faces enormous opposition. It’s time for that to change.


Treasuring All That God Has Revealed

It’s unwise to hope for future revelation while rejecting the insight God has brought forth today—especially when it comes to a doctrine that prophets have so emphatically taught will not change.

Gospel Fare

The Philosophical Basis of Biblical Marriage

As people of faith are increasingly critiqued for their convictions around marriage and family, they could be strengthened by a deeper appreciation of the philosophical basis of these religious teachings.


Faithful Answers to Common LGBT+ Questions

It’s not easy to know how to answer some of the challenging questions coming up about LGBT+ issues in America today. Here are some summary responses that might be a helpful guide for believers surrounded by the fraught conversation.


Exclude Not Thyself

In an effort to show compassion to our LGBT+ brothers and sisters, we should resist the urge to enable them in excluding themselves from the Plan of Salvation.

Mental Health

Are Religious LGBT Youth in Utah More (or Less) Prone to Suicidality?

The narrative that teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ are causing suicidality among LGBT youth is unsubstantiated. New research, showing a negative association between Church membership and suicidality in these youth, suggests the possibility that the opposite is true.

Ben Pacini and Marian Edmonds-Allen on Covenantal Pluralism
Radical Civility

Covenantal Pluralism

Marian Edmonds-Allen and I discuss “covenantal pluralism” which can fix LGBTQ+ and faith divides. We review her history, and religion helping LGBTQ+ rights.

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