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Tag: Mercy

Fire Striking Calf | Why Did God Punish Ancient Israel? | Public Square Magazine | Why Did God Punish the Israelites | Why Did God Punish Israel | Why Did God Punish Jews
Gospel Fare

Why did God Punish Ancient Israel?

It wasn’t just apathy or failure to perform religious ceremonies for which ancient Israel faced God’s judgments. It was also what they failed to do for each other.

Family Matters

Forgiving Grandpa

I had good reasons for being angry with my grandfather. But that emotional burden I carried reflected my own misunderstanding of the nature of my other, even grander Father.


On Costly Grace and the Space to Grow

While freedom of expression will always be important, perhaps we shouldn’t be so quick to provide defensive cover for those making serious errors—especially if that forecloses opportunities to learn and grow.

Man w/ Flowers, Looking at Tombstone in Cemetery | Make The Good Times Stop: Pop Culture’s Fixation on Eternal Oblivion | Public Square Magazine | Eternal Oblivion

Making Meaning of COVID Loss

Job’s words, “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord,” are especially meaningful post-COVID.


Then They Came for Jefferson

While more Americans now support the removal of confederate monuments, with statues of our Founders now defaced, where will the line be drawn?

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