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Tag: Moral Relativism

A crowned professor in a modern classroom, illustrating the conflation of power and knowledge in the crisis in higher education.

How Power Masquerades as Education

What truly defines education? Is it merely a tool for power, or is there a deeper pursuit of truth, wisdom, beauty, and virtue? Academia faces an ongoing battle for its soul.

An orator addresses a captivated audience, illustrating the power of dialogue in the Culture War.

Love, Truth, and the Culture Wars

How can Latter-day Saints best engage questions related to marriage, family, and sexuality? Through careful, prudent, public square dialogue.

Election Aftermath

What About Whataboutism is Hurting American Democracy?

In response to a critique, we are seeing a tendency across the political spectrum to answer with insistence on the greater immorality of those raising the concern – “WHAT ABOUT that [awful thing]”? Here’s why that’s so destructive.


Why Bother Engaging with Stupid, Duped, or Evil People?

This is the sixth in a series by Arthur Peña, Charles Randall Paul, and Jacob Hess called “Inevitable Influencers: Why (deep down) we all want—and need—to persuade each other of what we see as good, beautiful, and true.” Previous pieces include “Why Persuasion Should be a Sweet (Not a Dirty) Word”; “The Threat of Persuasion,” and “My Truth? Your Truth? No Truth?”; “The Virtues of Strong Disagreement,” and “Our Judgment Against Judgment.”

Apollo at Vulcan's Forge | My truth? Your truth? No truth? | Public Square Magazine | My Truth is Not Your Truth | My Truth and the Truth | There is Your Truth and There is My Truth

My truth? Your truth? No truth?

The dwindling sense of a common pursuit of truth is contributing to a deteriorating public discourse. Maybe it’s time to stand up for the truth about truth.

Media & Education

The Gospel of Facebook

Our culture claims that we’re un-Christlike if we teach moral standards. God commands us to love; does he command us to lay low?

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