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Tag: Palestine

A resilient but barren olive tree stands as a symbol amidst the human side of the Middle East crisis, offering hope for peace to bloom

The Human Voices from Israel and Palestine

Amidst the Israeli-Palestinian conflict’s turmoil, what resounds in the hearts of those directly affected? Personal narratives from Gaza to Jerusalem unveil a tapestry of despair, hope, and unwavering resilience in the face of adversity.

Jesus Christ Lifting Hands Up After Resurrection | An Easter Miracle: Unity in a Time of Division | Public Square Magazine | Easter Miracle | Miracle of Easter

An Easter Miracle: Unity in a Time of Division

An Easter meditation on the transformative potential of Christ’s atonement for unity, healing divisions, and empowering connections with God and each other.


How Jesus Can Cure Our Hatred

There’s more than enough animosity and division going around today, with plenty of people proposing “the answer.” What if Jesus taught the true solution all along?

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