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Tag: pornography

An orator addresses a captivated audience, illustrating the power of dialogue in the Culture War.

Love, Truth, and the Culture Wars

How can Latter-day Saints best engage questions related to marriage, family, and sexuality? Through careful, prudent, public square dialogue.

Fire Inside Rustic Broken Heart | Recovering from the Relational Health Crisis of Pornography | Public Square Magazine | Misogyny Porn | Empathy Training
Sexual Abuse

Recovering from the Relational Health Crisis of Pornography

Pornography is toxic to relational and sexual health. Recovering from the relational health crisis of pornography involves forsaking pornography and its toxic scripts, regaining and deepening our intimate empathy, and learning and committing to safely hold one another.

Woman Recording Laptop Screen with her Phone | Money Shot: A Free Pass Given to an Ugly Industry | Public Square Magazine | Netflix Nudity | PornHub Documentary
Sexual Abuse

Money Shot: A Free Pass Given to an Ugly Industry

Netflix’s Money Shot: The PornHub Story delves into the world’s most popular porn site. But is it truly a balanced view, or does it ignore the voices of those most harmed by pornography?

Woman Looking At Her Computer in Bed | Is Phonography Use A Fantasy Of Transcendence? | Public Square Magazine | Is Porn Fantasy? | Transcendence Porn
Mental Health

Is Pornography Use a Fantasy of Transcendence?

The case for why pornography use is better understood as a lived solipsism and hedonism—in partial concurrence and reflective response to Hess and Barborka.

A person alone with a computer, highlighting the despair linked to pornography use.
Sexuality & Family

Whose Body Will Save Us from The Pain Inside?

More than simply “maladaptive coping,” using pornography involves, at root, an expression of love and adoration in another human body – trusting it to bring a kind of transcendence and liberation from what hurts in life.

Sexuality & Family

Who Can Turn Away from the Sea of Seduction Around Us?

You can. But don’t be surprised when others are swept away. And try to appreciate the courage of those working hard to turn their hearts towards something better and more beautiful.

The Accolade Artwork | In Defense of Men | Public Square Magazine | Man-Hating Society | Society Hates Men | Men Dont Matter | Defending Men | Tyrannical Patriarchy

In Defense of Men

Too often, “men” generally are seen as the source of all that is wrong with the world. Should it surprise us, then, to see boys struggling in a man-hating society?

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