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Tag: Suicide

Mental Health

Hope Sometimes Hurts. Hopelessness Hurts More.

Remarkable scientific advances now confirm greater hope for deeper healing among those grappling with depression and anxiety. But this can feel unsettling and even threatening to some.

Is the Church safe for LGBT+ youth?

Prominent Salt Lake attorney, Eli McCann tweeted a widely shared and remarkable claim. I frequently have Mormon parents of lgbtq children reach out and ask

Ben Pacini on Scary Stories About Utah
Radical Civility

Scary Stories About Utah

I sit with several of my Public Square friends to discuss their recent articles discussing accuracies, and inaccuracies, of common assumptions about Utah.

Mental Health

Are Religious LGBT Youth in Utah More (or Less) Prone to Suicidality?

The narrative that teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ are causing suicidality among LGBT youth is unsubstantiated. New research, showing a negative association between Church membership and suicidality in these youth, suggests the possibility that the opposite is true.


Is It Time for a Paradigm Shift in Mental Health?

We’ve tried so hard to decrease depression, anxiety and suicide. And the numbers keep going up. Is it time to consider even more fundamental shifts in our approach?

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