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Tag: Virtue

A crowned professor in a modern classroom, illustrating the conflation of power and knowledge in the crisis in higher education.

How Power Masquerades as Education

What truly defines education? Is it merely a tool for power, or is there a deeper pursuit of truth, wisdom, beauty, and virtue? Academia faces an ongoing battle for its soul.

Graduates at a solemn ceremony ponder their futures, highlighting the existential uncertainty of the Higher Education Crisis.

The Crisis of Purpose in Academia

Higher education faces a crisis of purpose, with its moral and intellectual foundations eroded by modernism and postmodernism.

A parent and child bond over planting a tree, encapsulating quotes on gratitude for family.
American Families of Faith

The Hidden Power of “Thank You”

How does gratitude affect families? It fosters virtues, strengthens faith, and nurtures relationships.

A contemplative scene that symbolizes the deep bond and trust between a farmer and his chicken.

Lessons in Trust from a Crooked-Beaked Chicken

Honey the chicken’s bond with her owner reflects on human trust dynamics, emphasizing honesty, integrity, and emotional resilience as key factors.

A bridled horse pulls against its restraints representing empathy in modern culture
Gospel Fare

Bridle Your Empathy So That You Can Truly Love

Modern culture elevates empathy, but at what cost? A deep dive reveals its selective nature, its misuse in politics, and the danger of uncritical adoration. Rather, true virtue lies in charity.

Pop Culture

“A Million Miles Away” Challenges Cinematic Psychology

As therapy culture rises in American cinema, “A Million Miles Away” emerges, challenging the status quo. Director Abella portrays José Hernández, emphasizing community and resilience over pop psychology.

Fire Striking Calf | Why Did God Punish Ancient Israel? | Public Square Magazine | Why Did God Punish the Israelites | Why Did God Punish Israel | Why Did God Punish Jews
Gospel Fare

Why did God Punish Ancient Israel?

It wasn’t just apathy or failure to perform religious ceremonies for which ancient Israel faced God’s judgments. It was also what they failed to do for each other.

Church & State

Radical Orthodoxy in Simple Terms

A recently released so-called “Radical Orthodoxy Manifesto” has made some waves. But what exactly does it mean?

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