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Month: September 2022

Family Matters

Catching a Vision of the Doctrine of the Family

Are Latter-day Saints too focused on teachings about the family? Or are prophets emphasizing exactly what God knows will lead to our greatest happiness?

Gospel Fare

The Deceptively Boring Adamant Notecard

Why is General Conference the way it is? Maybe because “the inner change that makes the outer Zion possible depends, first and finally, on our ability to accept and to apply the simple, basic principles of the gospel.”

Family Matters

Losing and Finding Myself in Motherhood

As a young mother, I was a conflicted woman—torn apart by two dreams: “Where did the old me go?” This is how my struggle with children miraculously changed into joy and love unimagined.

Sexuality & Family

Sexuality and Truth in Harmony

We are often told that great sex requires us to break boundaries and follow our passions wherever they lead. But what if great sex requires us to take account of the moral value of ourselves and others?


The Expressive Self: Identity Above Truth

Influential voices tell us that to be yourself, you need to reject external sources of meaning—and follow “your truth.” But detaching authenticity from truth leads to emptiness, not fulfillment.


Stop Calling Concerned Parents Haters

Many parents have sincere concerns about sexually explicit and violent books in schools. A new open letter disregards these, perpetuating a dishonest narrative accusing these parents of being motivated by hatred and fear of minority groups.


White. Christian. Nationalism.

Is this really the greatest threat to American democracy, or is something else going on?

Gospel Fare

Seeing Old and New Things in Isaiah

In our eagerness to explore imagery pointing to Christ in ancient text, let’s not overlook the value of other readings, including earlier meanings for ancient peoples and sacred meanings held by Jewish brothers and sisters still today

Social Justice

Mandatory Reporting Isn’t the Solution

It’s increasingly common to hear people point towards laws compelling reporting as the answer to our child abuse crisis. Yet the research doesn’t back this up – highlighting a number of complications that need more attention.

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