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Author: Alan Hurst

Alan Hurst
Alan Hurst is a Latter-day Saint, husband, father, lawyer, and recovering academic. He is an editorial advisor to Public Square.
Gospel Fare

The Natural Mind Is an Enemy to God

Part III in a rejoinder to “All Things New: Rethinking Sin, Salvation, and Everything in Between,” by Terryl and Fiona Givens.

Lodi Gaetano's A Difference Of Opinion Painting | The Natural Man Is an Enemy to God | Public Square Magazine | Who is the Enemy of God | The Natural Man

The Natural Man Is an Enemy to God

A Friendly Rejoinder to Fiona and Terryl Givens’ “All Things New: Rethinking Sin, Salvation, and Everything in Between,” in Three Parts.

Gospel Fare

A “Me Too” Faith?

Some found it odd that the Church would ask people to stop using “Mormon” after its “I’m a Mormon” ad campaign. What if that was kind of the point?


The Sheepherder Judge

Monroe McKay, a Latter-day Saint judge for the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, passed away leaving a legacy of humility, hard work, and generosity of spirit.


How Modern Freedom Turned Into Slavery

Ideas have consequences—big ones, personal ones. Patrick Deneen’s book Why Liberalism Failed laments the modern view of freedom, but what’s the alternative?

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