Top 10 Latter-day Saint News Stories of 2023
The year 2023 has been eventful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here were the ten largest stories of the year.
The year 2023 has been eventful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here were the ten largest stories of the year.
Our editors end the year with public accountability and a review of what we did and did not do well.
Remembering the life of M. Russell Ballard through the impact he had on several of our editors, authors, and friends.
The General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a time for personal inspiration and reflection. What did our contributors and editors learn for themselves and their families?
While the Washington Post sheds light on the Church of Jesus Christ’s finances, it overlooks key perspectives, instead allowing our critics to speak for us.
Shifts in Latter-day Saint numbers in the U.S. align with scriptural prophecies and underscore the importance of spiritual depth over mere numerical strength.
How does faith reshape identities and destinies? Pioneer stories vividly showcase William Clayton’s journey from businessman to Saint, Zina D. H. Young’s acceptance of plural marriage, and Levi Savage Jr.’s transformation from independent thinker to devoted follower.
What is the effect of media violence on children’s mental health? Do today’s current TV and movie ratings help protect children from what research says is a problem, or does it just protect parents’ sensibilities?
Discover Public Square Magazine’s new podcast initiative, a sonic leap in fostering civil discourse. Dive into a world where voices matter.
We recap general conference and explore faith, global unity, and personal stories of divine intervention. Experience the profound impact of scripture and uncover the path to overcoming contention through virtue and peacemaking in a divided world.
Can love and compassion coexist with conflicting worldviews? The controversies surrounding Jeffrey Holland’s speech at Southern Utah University and the legal battle at Franciscan Health offer a thought-provoking exploration of this important issue.
Get facts on the SEC fine against Ensign Peak Advisors, the investment firm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in this Q&A with securities attorneys.