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Author: Public Square Staff

Public Square Staff
Our core team, including our Editor, Managing Editor, Communications and Media Directors, Visual Display Director and Copy Editor.
A man investigates a church ignoring the infestation around him, symbolizing the fixation on the Church of Jesus Christ’s transparency.
News Media

The Latter-day Saints The Washington Post Forgot

While the Washington Post sheds light on the Church of Jesus Christ’s finances, it overlooks key perspectives, instead allowing our critics to speak for us.

The pioneer story of Levi Savage Jr. teaches us to set our identity aside for the greater good.

God Would Never Ask Me To Give Up That

How does faith reshape identities and destinies? Pioneer stories vividly showcase William Clayton’s journey from businessman to Saint, Zina D. H. Young’s acceptance of plural marriage, and Levi Savage Jr.’s transformation from independent thinker to devoted follower.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Speaking in Finland | Love Misunderstood: Jeffrey Holland and the SUU Commencement | Public Square Magazine | Jeffrey Holland SUU Address

Love Misunderstood: Jeffrey Holland and the SUU Commencement

Can love and compassion coexist with conflicting worldviews? The controversies surrounding Jeffrey Holland’s speech at Southern Utah University and the legal battle at Franciscan Health offer a thought-provoking exploration of this important issue.

Church & State

Ensign Peak: Clarifying the SEC Announcement

Get facts on the SEC fine against Ensign Peak Advisors, the investment firm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in this Q&A with securities attorneys.

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