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Supreme Court Unanimously Protects Religous Freedom + Today’s Digest

Our daily rundown of the articles from around the web that we feel our readers would enjoy and appreciate. We hope to highlight the best of what’s around.

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Supreme Court rules against Boston in Christian flag case

Associated Press

The Supreme Court has regularly analyzed whether government entities can discriminate against religious points of view in order to avoid establishment clause concerns. But the court has consistently ruled by strong margins that religious points of view are protected to the same degree as other points of view. The most recent case, decided 9-0, found that the City of Boston can’t allow citizens to display flags for personal ideas on city property, while not allowing religious flags.

Religious Liberty Situation Worse Not Better in China

Massimo Introvigne – Bitter Winter

The managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions examines the new USCIRF report on China that shows increased persecution against Uyghur Muslims, Christians, and groups labeled “xie jiao,” meaning cults, by Chinese authorities.

Easy as ABC? No, but studying this Mormon pioneer alphabet is now easier

Kaitlyn Bancroft – Salt Lake Tribune

Two professors in Illinois have released a considerable amount of work on the “Deseret alphabet” a language used occasionally in pioneer Utah. The work includes copies of documents that use the language, a translator, and a font that can be used to type in the language.

Naomi Judd: Press reports covered the dark nights of her life, but not the Sunday mornings

Terry Mattingly – Get Religion

A long-time staple of media coverage, Naomi Judd’s recent admission to the Country Music Hall of Fame, gave an occasion for media critic Terry Mattingly to examine what coverage was given to Judd’s faith. But despite it’s major impact on her life, and it’s role in helping her through some of the most prominent media stories, little coverage was ever given to her faith.

‘Subversive Habits’ tells the compelling and long-overlooked history of Black Catholic nuns

David Crary – America

Shannen Dee Williams has decided to devote her life to telling the story of the Black Catholic nuns. The small group has often been overlooked to the point that when Williams first saw a photo with she thought, “How did I not know black nuns existed?” Her book, subversive habits, comes out this month.

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