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Category: Faith

Narcissus admires himself in a church window, representing spirituality and narcissism in contemporary society
Gospel Fare

How Narcissism is Fueling a Modern Gnostic Movement

Contemporary culture is fostering narcissism which is increasingly finding expression in new gnosticism, resulting in a self-perpetuating cycle that can lead to pathological outcomes.

American Families of Faith

The Silent Revival: How Today’s Youth Anchor Their Faith

What anchors the spiritual dedication of today’s American youth? Comprehensive research unveils commitments to traditions, God, scriptures, and community leaders as the guiding lights in their spiritual journeys.

A father and daughter prepare an autumn dinner, showcasing the spiritual benefits of gratitude in family bonds.

Beyond Counting Blessings: Gratitude for 2023

What’s the true impact of gratitude? It’s a pathway to joy, improved well-being, and enriched relationships, proving essential for a fulfilling and balanced life.

A bridled horse pulls against its restraints representing empathy in modern culture
Gospel Fare

Bridle Your Empathy So That You Can Truly Love

Modern culture elevates empathy, but at what cost? A deep dive reveals its selective nature, its misuse in politics, and the danger of uncritical adoration. Rather, true virtue lies in charity.

Town Celebrating Halloween Artwork | Of Grave Importance: Sacralizing Halloween | Public Square Magazine | Do Mormons Celebrate Halloween | Mormon Celebrate Halloween

Of Grave Importance: Sacralizing Halloween

How do Latter-day Saints view Halloween? By intertwining the playful spirit of the festivity with profound faith traditions, they can foster community, celebrate gratitude, and honor past lineage.

American Families of Faith

Sacred Encounters: Glimpsing the Divine

What defines a genuine spiritual experience? True spirituality is a journey beyond self, connecting deeply with the divine and extending concern to all.

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