When did we begin to lose trust in the news media? There are plenty of theories. Some suggest March 6, 1981, Walter Cronkite’s last broadcast. Others suggest it was the coverage of President Bill Clinton’s perjury and impeachment. Others suggest it was the advent of 24-hour news stations. The newest film from Paramount Pictures suggests...
What is the real ecological crisis? Family and fertility decline threaten human and societal sustainability.
Is freedom purely external? True freedom comes from inner strength and spiritual liberation, not political victories.
Among the many legitimate questions Americans have asked since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, one has risen to the top regarding our influx of Afghan refugees: “How can I help?” Let me tell you how.
Changes to Section 230 have been much in the news, but this section allows pornography websites to profit off of illegal content. It’s time to reconsider.
In our discussions of faith and knowledge, we tend to accept popular American conventions that position faith as a placeholder for knowing.
Few issues hold as much universal importance as child abuse. What does it mean when we’re not only unable to come together to confront this, but also seem increasingly eager to insist that others care less about fighting this than we do?
Stay up to date on the intersection of faith in the public square.