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Tag: American History

Election Aftermath

Not Who We Are…Right?

If it’s true yesterday “did not reflect the core of who we are as Americans,” the siege of our nation’s capital does say something about who many of us are becoming. Is this just another step on a downward spiral, or could it become a legitimate turning point for our nation’s trajectory?

Family Matters

Abortion, the Courts, and Compromise

When we stop depending on legislatures as the place Americans can hash out their disagreements, it should perhaps not surprise us when court mandates don’t effectively fill the gap.

Thomas Jefferson on Mount Rushmore | Why I Believe America is Exceptional | Public Square Magazine | America is Exceptional | America Exceptionalism Meaning

Why I Believe America is Exceptional

“Exceptionalism” in reference to America has become, in many circles, a dirty word. This is a fresh look at why it shouldn’t be.


Don’t Flip Your Whig

We can fully embrace our moral progress without rejecting the influential men and women of the past who failed to live up to the standards of today.

Honoring The Courage of Veterans

On this Veteran’s day, we take the opportunity to not merely honor indiscriminately, but specifically on those who have made the deliberate choice to sacrifice for liberty under law in our nation.


Tolerating the Unprecedented

It’s more than mere disagreement we must tolerate. Tolerance means bearing the suffering of others and taking our own uncomfortable turn in history to face uncertainty and challenge.


The America I Once Knew

It’s not just a cliche. America really used to be great. At least many of us felt so—growing up loving it in so many ways. Why has that changed? And what must we do to awaken again this gratitude in our young people today?

Political Atmosphere

Understanding the Latter-day Saint Experience in American Politics

Interview with the authors of the new book Contingent Citizens: Shifting Perceptions of Latter-day Saints in American Political Culture. Looking at how Latter-day Saints have been engaged and excluded from politics in the United States since the Church’s inception.

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