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Tag: censorship

Abstract Illustration of People in a Library | A Plea to Librarians | Is Library Neutrality Possible | Why Libraries are Not Neutral | Are Libraries Neutral | Public Square Magazine

A Plea to Librarians

In our increasingly divisive country, public libraries stand as one of the few neutral civic spaces. But pervasive ideological tilt may prove a death knell. Librarians, however, can save the library as a sanctuary for all.


Stop Calling Concerned Parents Haters

Many parents have sincere concerns about sexually explicit and violent books in schools. A new open letter disregards these, perpetuating a dishonest narrative accusing these parents of being motivated by hatred and fear of minority groups.

Climate & End Times

The Book Banning Brouhaha

Compared to conservative parents accused of trying to “ban books,” librarians making preemptive restrictions on other books are seen as “doing their job.” Can this conversation be rescued from its political skew?

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