The First Presidential Candidate Assassination Ignored by History
What lessons does Joseph Smith Jr.’s assassination teach? It warns of the danger of partisanship and media manipulation.
What lessons does Joseph Smith Jr.’s assassination teach? It warns of the danger of partisanship and media manipulation.
Is there a way out of political division? Self-examination and living the gospel’s teachings offer unity and peace.
Is a church the key to saving democracy? Latter-day Saints’ beliefs could prove pivotal in the outcome of the next election.
U.S. politics mirror cult dynamics, but counter-intuitively, it may be religion that helps us escape this cult
What drives compromise in politics? A professor and new US Citizen suggests it’s grounded in pragmatism, flexibility, empathy, dialogue, public interest, and foresight.
In an age where Christians (and everyone else) tend to flow with the cultural current, the remarks of President Dallin H. Oaks on Friday at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville were striking in their departure from popular rhetorical trends.
It’s a good thing to aspire for truth and “correct” thinking. But when the immediate aim of education is to ensure students think in the right way, it’s far too easy to begin infringing on the democratic ideals that make true education joyful and life-changing.
In discussing civic engagement and political participation, it’s often taken for granted that Americans have a basic knowledge of what’s going on. Do they?