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Tag: Disagreement

Election Aftermath

A Farewell To Political Arms

The basic bargain of democracy is that citizens mutually forswear political violence.

Election Aftermath

Mapping Public Disagreements about Election Challenges

Disagreements over the integrity of our recent presidential election don’t appear to be going away anytime soon. In such a heated atmosphere, there is remarkably little comprehension (on either side) as to the nuances of their opponents’ actual beliefs. That’s where a map like this might just come in handy.

Election Aftermath

What was Really the Choice in the 2020 Election?

Partisans on both sides were seized upon by the urgency of picking their candidate for President—with everyone else encouraged to join the fray. Is that really the most important choice we just faced?

Election Aftermath

Balm for America’s Wounds

America has increasingly felt ripped apart at the seams. For the many who have felt this way, Joe Biden’s words this weekend felt reassuring and timely.

Political Atmosphere

Must Everything Be Political?

When the places we used to find fellowship and connection as a community start to “take a stand” on political issues, where do we go to find that unity again?


Tolerating the Unprecedented

It’s more than mere disagreement we must tolerate. Tolerance means bearing the suffering of others and taking our own uncomfortable turn in history to face uncertainty and challenge.


Politicizing the Pandemic

Living in a pandemic is scary enough. But when we can’t figure out what is true (and even the data gets politicized), it makes things all that harder. That makes it even more important to think critically and look into different perspectives.


Who is Amy Coney Barrett really?

Rather than reflecting a breakdown or departure from our established political system, as many have proposed, I would argue Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination is an outcome of long-standing efforts and hard work well within that system.

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