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Tag: diversity

Group of Women Holding Hands | Letter To The New York Times | Public Square Magazine | Latter Day Saints & LDS Women | New York Times Mormon Women Misleading Information

An Open Letter to the New York Times

Latter-Day Saint women challenge the narrative of oppression, countering the view that they lack power within the Church of Jesus Christ.


What I Mean May Not Be What Others Hear

In our efforts to communicate love and inclusiveness, we may sometimes send messages that mean quite a bit more than what we had intended.

Gospel Fare

Belonging at Church

The second in a series on unity, belonging, and striving toward the just society of “Zion.” This article explores how to achieve a community of belonging in our congregations and church-sponsored schools.

Climate & End Times

The Middle Ground is Disappearing

As the doctrine of the “self-centered” West becomes increasingly distinct from the doctrines of the Restored Gospel, the faithful can no longer stay in a middle ground.

American Families of Faith

Living a New Faith in a New Land

Asian-American Christians often rely on the Bible carefully and deeply to influence many elements of family life, especially parenting.


A Latina’s Response to ‘Honest Questions about CRT’

The message of the gospel of Christ makes some people uncomfortable and angry. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Maybe we should show a little more humble openness to what CRT can offer our understanding of the world?

Close Up of U.S. Capital | 5 Ways to Explain Away Black Conservatives | Congress Advisors | List of Black Conservatives Commentators | Famous Black Conservatives | Public Square Magazine

Five Ways to Explain Away Black Conservatives

As black conservatives have become more vocal and popular, efforts to dismiss them have also increased. If we’re serious about diversity and inclusion we need to hear from all black voices, including those on the right.

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