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Tag: media

Climate & End Times

Narrating Violence: Stories We Tell (and Don’t Tell)

While violence, such as that this weekend, is certainly senseless, we must try our best to explain it so that we can take a holistic approach to reducing violence and build durable peace.


It’s Okay to Turn It Off

As valuable as it can be to stay updated on world affairs, the intimate and incessant witnessing of human heartache in the digital age can be overwhelming and distract from other important things. Don’t be afraid to set some boundaries.

Political Atmosphere

Dehumanizing QAnon Supporters

Dehumanization is wrong. Of course, we all know that … UNLESS we’re talking about Those People who believe truly awful things, right?

Francisco Jose de Goya- The Sleep Of Reason Produces Monsters | Knowing Less Than We Think | Public Square Magazine | Effects From The Lack Of Political Knowledge In America

Knowing Less Than We Think

In discussing civic engagement and political participation, it’s often taken for granted that Americans have a basic knowledge of what’s going on. Do they?

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