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Tag: New Testament

Family of Three Looking at Snowy Christmas Scenery | The Original True Meaning of Christmas | Public Square Magazine | What is the True Meaning of Christmas?

The Original True Meaning of Christmas

Can Christmas heal sorrow? Those present for Jesus’ birth reveal how the holiday’s true meaning offers solace and hope.

An ancient Greek meat market symbolizing whether we should use preferred pronouns

Sacred Meat, Sacred Pronouns: Discerning Lesser Controversies

Exploring the parallels between ancient Greek sacrifices and today’s cultural rituals, the analysis underscores the importance of discerning core doctrines from lesser controversies. It advocates for principle-based discipleship.

Old Man Reading Book in Mystical Setting | Spiritual Encounters In Our Lives | Public Square Magazine | Spiritual Encounter Meaning | Spiritual Encounters With God
American Families of Faith

Sacred Encounters: Glimpsing the Divine

What defines a genuine spiritual experience? True spirituality is a journey beyond self, connecting deeply with the divine and extending concern to all.

Gospel Fare

Can Our Different Perspectives on Jesus Be a Strength?

Our inclination in a conflicted America is to see any significant difference as a potential threat. The New Testament can remind us not to overlook the value of competing views on even the most important question of all.

Sexuality & Family

Misusing Eunuchs

Even the best of motives do not allow us to change the commandments or remove the crosses of others.


Have You Heard the Biggest Church Lie?

Some who step away from the Church of Jesus Christ insist they’ve been lied to in a grand deception they’re only now recognizing. To all my wonderful brothers and sisters this committed to integrity and the whole truth, I would ask you to hear me out. Can you be open to seeing even more than you’ve seen before?

Family Matters

How Christ Includes and Empowers Women

The 25th Section of a sacred text for Latter-day Saints called the Doctrine and Covenants is a perfect case study for how Christ interacts and engages with women. In part 1, Carter Charles examines matrimony and election.

Media & Education

Bites of the Best Books: November 2020

Five books that contain sentences and paragraphs and pages full of unique ideas that move our minds, touch our hearts, and fill our souls with light.

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