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Tag: Public Health


The Most Reviled Minority in America?

It’s understandable that many would have questions and concerns with the percentage of people declining the COVID-19 vaccine. But rather than make space for a human exchange about serious fears on both sides, incendiary rhetoric makes such conversation impossible, by insisting the only reason for dissent is selfishness or blatant ignorance.


What Does It Mean to Be “Effective”?

With public health messaging now emphasizing how remarkably effective COVID-19 vaccines are, it’s reasonable to ask what exactly that means? Based on the published studies of the leading three vaccine candidates, I dove in to better understand that for myself.


The Grinch Who (Almost) Stole Thanksgiving

How to celebrate Thanksgiving this year is a challenging question for many American families. Whatever the details of the decision, let’s hold on to the transcendent spirit of the holiday.


Politicizing the Pandemic

Living in a pandemic is scary enough. But when we can’t figure out what is true (and even the data gets politicized), it makes things all that harder. That makes it even more important to think critically and look into different perspectives.

Climate & End Times

Dialogue on Life and Death Matters

When it comes to public discourse, not all conversations are equally challenging. Maybe it shouldn’t surprise us how angry disagreements about health are.


Working from Home? Let Me Show You the Ropes

As the coronavirus pandemic is spreading throughout the world, working from home is becoming the new norm — but will it change how we interact?

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