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Tag: service

Gospel Fare

Living as the Angels Do

Even with so much suffering around us, I rejoice to have witnessed much suffering tangibly relieved by real-life, creative ministries to the poor. What more is still possible?

Service Near and Far

I wanted to highlight some wonderful local news stories. In Seguin, Texas, the local ward has worked to donate more than 40,000 lbs of food

Meetinghouse Used for Ukranian Refugees

Among the interesting details in LDS Daily’s stellar reporting today is about a Latter-day Saint meetinghouse that is being used to house and support refugees

Nigerian Latter-day Saints Serve Orphans

The Church News had a report yesterday on a ward in Calabar, Nigeria serving a local orphanage. The Young Single Adult Ward had recently been


Trying to Christmas Like Jesus

It’s hard for most of us to resist the sheer momentum of America’s consumerist Christmas. But once you’ve witnessed precious families just barely surviving—like Joseph and Mary of old—it’s impossible to celebrate Christmas the same way.

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