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Tag: social media


Learning from Intense Conflict

Reflecting on what we’ve been learning as a team from the conflicts over January 6th and abortion.

Gospel Fare

Challenging the Stories We Tell Ourselves

With great precision, a surgeon can miraculously repair a part of our body that is throbbing in pain. Could the same thing sometimes be needed for aching stories we carry around that simply aren’t true?

Social Media

To What Source They May Look

A viral article about Latter-day Saint female influencers and abortion advanced a claim that stretches the truth while raising important questions about the status we continue to give the influencer class.

Media & Education

Happy Rejoining Twitter Day

For all those keeping social media at arm’s length, maybe today’s a chance to take a second look? The online public square needs you!

Is the Church safe for LGBT+ youth?

Prominent Salt Lake attorney, Eli McCann tweeted a widely shared and remarkable claim. I frequently have Mormon parents of lgbtq children reach out and ask

Gospel Fare

Why A Belief Crisis Need Never Be Fatal To Faith

Does a review of historical and scientific evidence compel faith crises today? Only if you limit your review to critical scholars, wholly ignoring the robust explanations of faithful scholars.

Social Media

Discerning the Impact of Influencers

As the reach of influencers in and out of the Church of Jesus Christ grows, it’s important to know how to discern between influencers that point us to Christ, versus somewhere else.

Climate & End Times

A Contagion of Comfort and Security

As the “great machine of pleasure and happiness” of our modern society expands, so also does our dependence on this larger system. Does the innate “inquietude” and “unease” say something about the ongoing shrinkage of our own souls this entails?

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