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Tag: Spirituality

A confident woman addresses a congregation, illustrating the empowerment of Women in the Mormon Church.

When Authority Wears a Skirt

What defines the authority of Latter-day Saint women? A blend of temple covenants and leadership roles, affirming their sacred power.”

A family home stands resilient under a dark cloud, symbolizing hope amidst adversity.
American Families of Faith

The Growing Famine of Hope

How does hope influence resilience? Studies show faith-based practices foster optimism and unity.

Group of Women Holding Hands | Letter To The New York Times | Public Square Magazine | Latter Day Saints & LDS Women | New York Times Mormon Women Misleading Information

An Open Letter to the New York Times

Latter-Day Saint women challenge the narrative of oppression, countering the view that they lack power within the Church of Jesus Christ.

A parent and child bond over planting a tree, encapsulating quotes on gratitude for family.
American Families of Faith

The Hidden Power of “Thank You”

How does gratitude affect families? It fosters virtues, strengthens faith, and nurtures relationships.

Family of Three Looking at Snowy Christmas Scenery | The Original True Meaning of Christmas | Public Square Magazine | What is the True Meaning of Christmas?

The Original True Meaning of Christmas

Can Christmas heal sorrow? Those present for Jesus’ birth reveal how the holiday’s true meaning offers solace and hope.

Narcissus admires himself in a church window, representing spirituality and narcissism in contemporary society
Gospel Fare

How Narcissism is Fueling a Modern Gnostic Movement

Contemporary culture is fostering narcissism which is increasingly finding expression in new gnosticism, resulting in a self-perpetuating cycle that can lead to pathological outcomes.

Old Man Reading Book in Mystical Setting | Spiritual Encounters In Our Lives | Public Square Magazine | Spiritual Encounter Meaning | Spiritual Encounters With God
American Families of Faith

Sacred Encounters: Glimpsing the Divine

What defines a genuine spiritual experience? True spirituality is a journey beyond self, connecting deeply with the divine and extending concern to all.

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