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Tag: Tolerance

Politics & Law

An Agonizing Choice for Lovers of Liberalism

This election is an agonizing choice for those who value liberalism. President Trump is personally illiberal in his tendencies but his administration has largely been committed to procedural protections and the rule of law. A Biden administration presents the exact mirror image. Either way, liberalism loses.

Lord Baltimore commends his people to Wisdom, Justice, and Mercy
Politics & Law

#NeverTrump; #AlwaysLiberalism

Trump is not as bad as his critics would have you believe, but he remains the antithesis of the American liberal ideal. We should use this chance to repudiate him.

Politics & Law

Choosing a Path, Not Merely a Person

This election, the way to select the best choice for office is to focus less on individual personalities and more on the path on which the philosophies of each of the candidates and their fellow travelers will cause us to journey.

Continuing our effort to feature different perspectives on the best choice in the upcoming U.S. election.


Tolerating the Unprecedented

It’s more than mere disagreement we must tolerate. Tolerance means bearing the suffering of others and taking our own uncomfortable turn in history to face uncertainty and challenge.


Weaponizing Tolerance

Although tolerance is believed to be a way to avoid contention, if applied incorrectly, it can be used more as a weapon than a notion of compassion.


The Virtues of Strong Disagreement

Serious differences generate serious discomfort for us all. Could that be why they’re so good for us?


Truth and the Rough Road of Reconciliation

When issues are so important and feelings so intense and disagreements so profound, is it even possible to find unity again? Maybe if we take the lead from God’s own love for us.


Tolerance for Me But Not for Thee

Tolerance must have its limits, but what should those limits be? Thinkers on the right and left have come to very different conclusions.


Anger and the Modern Prophetic Voice

Along with scientific and historical reasons for concern, the words of modern prophets have consistently warned about the destructive potential of unbridled anger.

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