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Tag: War

A resilient but barren olive tree stands as a symbol amidst the human side of the Middle East crisis, offering hope for peace to bloom

The Human Voices from Israel and Palestine

Amidst the Israeli-Palestinian conflict’s turmoil, what resounds in the hearts of those directly affected? Personal narratives from Gaza to Jerusalem unveil a tapestry of despair, hope, and unwavering resilience in the face of adversity.

Christ in the Wilderness Painting by Ivan Kramoski | Ukraine War: Rethinking Righteousness in the Shadow of War | Public Square Magazine | Mormons in Ukraine | Saints of Ukraine
Gospel Fare

Rethinking Righteousness in the Shadow of War

What does the Ukraine War mean in Latter-day Saint Christian ethics? Latter-day Saints view all violence, even justified self-defense, as an aberration from divine love and affection, underscoring the call for universal repentance and reconciliation.


From Just War to Catholic Pacifism

Over the centuries, the Catholic Church had evolved from non-violence to a “just war” doctrine. Dorothy Day responded with a new pacifist theology.

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