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Month: March 2020


Disagreeing Without Death Threats

When strong disagreements take place publicly, it’s no longer surprising when death threats occur – on both sides. Why is that? And what will it take to preserve space for productive disagreement in the days ahead?


The Democratization of the Saints

For most in the world, the word “saint” signals something unreachable by mere humans. That’s not how Latter-day Saints see it, though.


Kumbaya Without Holding Hands

Will we continue the patterns of contempt and division in this new America? Or will we reach for something better?


Working from Home? Let Me Show You the Ropes

As the coronavirus pandemic is spreading throughout the world, working from home is becoming the new norm — but will it change how we interact?

Media & Education

Bites of the Best Books: March 2020

Five books that contain sentences, paragraphs, and pages full of unique ideas that move our minds, touch our hearts, and fill our souls with light.


Tolerance for Me But Not for Thee

Tolerance must have its limits, but what should those limits be? Thinkers on the right and left have come to very different conclusions.


Anger and the Modern Prophetic Voice

Along with scientific and historical reasons for concern, the words of modern prophets have consistently warned about the destructive potential of unbridled anger.


Disagreement Doesn’t Equal Hate. Even on BYU’s LGBT Policy.

To disagree strongly, even about sensitive, important questions, is not the same as hatred. To read some news about BYU’s honor code changes this month, however, you could be forgiven for presuming they were the same.

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