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Month: March 2021


Easter is Reality

Many now believe that the more advanced your faith becomes, the less likely you are to embrace the literal realities of scripture. Jesus taught something far more exciting than that.

Sexual Abuse

Now’s Not the Time to Downplay Sexual Addiction

Even after the killer in Atlanta’s heinous shooting recently spoke of his sexual addiction as a contributing influence. Some have taken this as an opportunity to minimize and even ridicule the idea of such a problem. The millions of men and women grappling with the same deserve better.

Church & State

A Publicity Stunt Lawsuit

The Huntsman lawsuit is all fluff and no substance. The Church should move for dismissal.


Mourning Together as Morning Dawns

Much sorrow is being felt in the wake of this pandemic, by so many. How can we better “mourn with those that mourn,” while also working through our own grief in healing ways?


Not a Handout, But a Tax Credit

When viewed as a tax credit to help those with young children, the new monthly payments for children makes sense even to a fiscal conservative.

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Five Ways to Explain Away Black Conservatives

As black conservatives have become more vocal and popular, efforts to dismiss them have also increased. If we’re serious about diversity and inclusion we need to hear from all black voices, including those on the right.

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